Being the capital of the largest city of Spain. Madrid is cosmopolitan city which makes a very impressive combination, consist with modern infrastructures and also the economical, financial, service centre and also the administrative are very solid here. The Madrid is a city of large culture, artistic and heritage. It was located at northeast Iberian Peninsula which is the middle of the Castilian plateau at an average altitude of 650m. In Madrid all the famous tourist spots are located in the middle of the city and most of the tourist spots are neighbor including Puerta Del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Palacio Real, and Plaza de Colon. The most attractive thing is art and also culture play a key role of Madrid's cultural life. More than 60 museums are makes the Madrid's culture more beautiful which cover every field of human knowledge. Main Highlights are Prado Museum, One of the world's most important art galleries.
1. The Prado Museum
Such a tremendous museum. The Prado Museum has world-class collection which was 5,000 paintings that adversary the Louvre collection in Paris. The majority of the masterpieces collection of Spanish painting from 12th century to the 19th century. The collection also covers French, British, Italian, Flemish and German printings and also Neoclassical Italian sculptures.
The Royal Place and Gardens is the Spanish version of Versailles. In Madrid this world-class royal court designed for impress. This place is entirely makes with granite and white columnar stone. Royal Palace was build in 18th century by the Philip V. The majestic neoclassical facade features Ionic columns and Doric pilasters which is based on masterpiece drawing that the sculptor Bernini originally intended for the Louvre in Paris.
The Plaza Mayor as the 17th century plaza which was build in the period of Philip III. This Plaza center of the commerce and municipal life. The Plaxa Mayor also a venue for bullfights, dramatic performances and knightly tournaments.
The name of the Puerta del Sol was given after the sun emblem on the old city gate. Puerta del Sol also known as The Heart of the City. The most attractive point of this place is the town square aligns with the rising sun.
The best time to visit in Madrid was late spring and early fall. From middle of the march to October. In Spain days are very long because Spain is a city of daylight. The surprising thing is in the mid June to mid July the sun set was done at 10 PM. The Spain is allowing plenty of this time to visit the city.
Madrid has some of the largest airports available. Adolfo Suarez Madrid–Barajas Airport is one of the largest airports present in Madrid, There also helipad means helicopter or private flight services also available. The major ones are - Cuatro Vientos Airport,Torrejon Airport,Getafe Air Base,Aerodromode Guadalix de la SIerra,Aerodromo Villanueva de la Canada,Aerodromo de Brunete,Base Aerea de Colmenar Viejo,Aerodromo Loring,Aerodromo de Grinon,Direccion General de Trafico Heliport. Madrid Adolfo Suarez Madrid–Barajas Airport is the major Airport that is generally used by the passengers while flying to this place. It has witnessed millions of passengers who travel to and from this place. it was not able to handle the huge number of flights coming in. So, quite a few operators decided to move to other smaller airports available here since it is not the only one available. There are total 19 Airports, 15 Major Airports are there which are nearest of Madrid.
Country/State: Spain
Population: 3,223,334 (According to the report of the year 2018)
Currency: Euros
Language: The official language spoken by the people of Madrid is Spanish